The Quran Caption Software

Quran Caption

Adding Translations

Once you have added captions to your video, you can enhance it by adding translations. To do so, navigate to the `Translations` tab. This will open the translations editor, where you can manage translations for your video.

Translations Tab

Click the `Add a new translation` button to include a new translation. This will open a dialog box allowing you to select the desired translation(s).

Select Translation Translations Selected

Once you have selected the translations, click the `Add this translation` button to apply them to your video. The translations will then appear below each caption in the editor.

You can start reviewing and editing the translations as needed. Captions are color-coded for easier management:

  • A gray background means the caption contains the full verse and does not require translation review.
  • A red background indicates the caption is a partial verse and needs translation review.
  • A green background signifies that the translation has already been reviewed and approved.
Translation Review

Note: The translations provided are from an online API. Please review them carefully to ensure they are accurate and free of errors.

If you need to reset the translation for a specific caption, click the `Reset` button next to the corresponding input field.

The editor includes an auto-completion feature that trims translations to fit the captions based on your edits. For example, for the verse "Sad. By the Quran containing reminder", if you trim the first caption to "Sad.", the editor will automatically adjust the next caption to "By the Quran containing reminder".